How to Boost Your Confidence to Get More Clients

boosting confidence

For many new or struggling real estate agents, it can be difficult to find the confidence to pursue new clients or interact assertively with the clients they have. If you’ve found yourself wishing you had more confidence in your career, read on! Today we’re sharing eight ways to boost your confidence to get more clients.

1.) Enter Each Situation Convinced of Your Worth

If you aren’t confident in your abilities, knowledge, and dedication to your clients, no one else will be confident in you. In fact, potential clients may subliminally pick up on your insecurities and feel nervous around you, even if they can’t quite put their finger on what’s causing their discomfort.

Keep your head up, speak clearly from your chest, and remember your worth. You’re an educated, kind, eager, hard-working real estate agent who is pursuing a career you care about. Your client will gain all they need just by the efforts you put forth in helping them find and purchase the house they are dreaming of.

2.) Be Honest

Some agents who feel that their inexperience or lack of a huge client roster makes them less valuable may feel tempted to fudge the facts a bit when they are recounting their resume to a potential client.

Instead, choose to speak the truth in a way that emphasizes how you will add value to your client. Instead of, “I don’t have very many clients,” try something like, “Due to the competitive nature of the market at present, I am choosing to focus my attention on one client at a time. We will move quickly and assertively when we place an offer on the house you choose to pursue.”

3.) Remain Focused on Your Client, Not Commissions

Remember, your job is to serve your client, not move them through the system quickly so that you can cash that sweet commission check. 

Let your clients know: “I am great at my job because I always focus on my clients. I am here for you above all else.”

4.) Consider Involving Your Mentor

When you’re starting out, or attempting to expand your business, it may be helpful for you to include your mentor in your operations. By splitting the commissions with your mentor, you may ask them to assist you with referrals, proper processes, and advertising strategies. 

When you speak about this arrangement to your client, you may choose to refer to your “partner,” or your “team.” This may help you feel more confident. 

Remember, it’s up to whether you want to let your client know that you don’t work alone. Whether or not this approach builds confidence is ultimately down to your personal style and sense of self.

5.) Cultivate a Thick Skin

Just like any other skill set worth having, your real estate work will only improve if you open yourself up to professional criticism. It’s important not to take criticism personally, even when it’s delivered bluntly. Real estate agents can get into the habit of speaking rapidly, enthusiastically, and assertively. This may carry over into their delivery of any criticism they share.

Stay focused on your professional goal and thank any senior agent who takes the time to help you learn. Sometimes you may decide that the advice they share isn’t right for you, and that’s okay! Take time to mull things over and implement any helpful tips in your next transaction.

6.) Build On Your Successes, Move Past Your Failures

Once you begin racking up successes, it will help you build momentum, which will give you a great sense of confidence. Remember, though, that real estate is a business that requires a great many attempts before a single success is gained.

As a result, you will have to fail with grace, and move past your failures in order to land on your next success. Try not to let failures get you down. Instead, view them as a perfectly natural, expected part of your chosen profession, and keep moving forward.

7.) Maintain a Work-Life Balance

New agents are often advised to pick up the phone immediately, day or night, irrespective of the hours they’ve worked that day, or whether it’s during their child’s piano recital. Real estate moves fast, and the risk of a buyer not getting the house they want is too great for many agents, thus their choice is to always respond instantly.

The truth, though, is that there are no life-and-death emergencies in real estate. If you need a night off, please take one. 

Setting boundaries is a great way to build confidence.

Set up an “out of the office” automated reply in your email that lets your clients know exactly when you’ll return. Record a message on your cell’s voicemail that says the same.

Then take some time for yourself. Maintaining a work-life balance now will keep you from burning out before a year’s gone by! Let new clients know that when you are unavailable, your email and voicemail will give out the exact time when you’ll return. 

8.) Continue to Pursue Additional Knowledge

As a real estate agent, you should constantly be striving to learn about your career, your city, your clients, and, if you have one, your real estate team. As you become increasingly informed and knowledgeable, you will naturally speak with greater authority.

Your clients and coworkers will note your confidence and will therefore feel naturally inclined to trust you. 

At Parks Realty, we encourage new or struggling agents to find an established agent who is willing to mentor them. The knowledge of a successful senior agent in your own market is invaluable and can’t be replaced by reading books or listening to podcasts. If you don’t yet have a mentor, prioritize finding one.

Kudos to you for your hard work and dedication to your new real estate career! We wish you every success in your endeavors here in Middle Tennessee.

Parks Realty