How to Get Involved in Your Local Community

With the holiday season upon us, especially after we’ve spent so much time apart, it’s the perfect time to learn more about how to get involved in your local community. In Middle Tennessee, we have a wealth of opportunities to engage with each other, give back, and donate to organizations that represent our core values.

Today, we’re sharing eight ways you can get involved—during the holiday season or all year long!

1.    Attend Community Forums

Your local government, school district, and even your neighborhood likely hold public meetings during which the members of your community are given time to speak. By attending these events, even if you’re just there to listen, you’ll have a chance to meet other invested community members and find out what’s on their mind.

In this way, you can find areas of need and network with others who are seeking change.

2.     Donate to or Volunteer for Organizations that Represent Your Values

Because Middle Tennessee is home to some of the kindest citizens in the country, we have no shortage of outstanding local organizations with which we can get involved. However, your chances of maintaining your enthusiasm for volunteer work are exponentially greater if you choose a venue that matches your own values.

Consider which of the following needs speaks to you the most:

·      Elder care

·      At-risk youth

·      Feeding the hungry

·      Unhoused community members

·      Animal welfare

·      Community Access Television

·      Local Libraries

·      Community Cleanup

·      Environmental Restoration

While this is a short list, if one of the above avenues lines up well with your own concerns, it may already have lit a spark within you. Follow that spark! No matter how you get involved, you’re doing a wonderful thing for your community.

Tip: If you decide to donate to a local charity, check and see if your employer will do a matching contribution! Many businesses have a program in place through which they give alongside their employees.

3.     Help Others Cast their Vote

You may not be invested in local politics, but most of us agree that voting is a process to which we should all have access. During every election, volunteers like you work together to help people get to and from their voting sites. 

If you’ve avoided political work in the past due to the conflict and stress that can come with such efforts, consider this peaceful alternative. When you choose to help others vote, you can get involved with the political process without getting bogged down in debate and partisan efforts.

4.   Sponsor a Local Team 

Do you own a local business or work with the community through your job? Then sponsoring a local team might be perfect for you. Small teams are always in need of sponsorship, of course, and it’s delightful to see children and young people enjoying learning from and working with their teammates. 

It’s worth noting that giving back in this way will connect you with potential clients as well.

5.     Attend Local Events

Concerts, plays, gallery exhibits, and grand openings are all enjoyable ways to interact with others within your community. Not only will you be helping fund the arts in your area, but you will also have the opportunity to meet and mingle with other locals.

6.     Shop Locally

This holiday season, consider skipping big box stores for your gift gathering and opt to shop locally instead—preferably in person when (and if) possible. When you invest your shopping dollars into the local economy, you’re giving back directly to the community every time you give a gift to a friend or loved one. 

Independent artisans and retailers have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, so your business means more now than ever before.  

7.    Take a Class

Your local community center or community college offers dozens of classes on topics ranging from arts and crafts to exercise and wellness, any one of which could be a great way to get to know new people and learn new skills. 

For example, if you’ve wanted to sing carols at a senior living center, but you aren’t confident in your singing, a voice class could be just the push you need to get started! Your voice class might connect you with other singers who would be happy to join you as you carol, too. 

8.     Organize Something New

Do you have an idea for an organization, event, or group effort that could be an asset to your community? If you don’t have any luck finding an existing operation to join, consider organizing something new! There’s always room for more community engagement in Middle Tennessee.

You don’t have to be an experienced community organizer to make a difference, either. Whether you’re organizing a bake sale, community cleanup, or a car wash benefit, you’d be surprised at what you can accomplish with a group of people who are motivated to give back.

Are you an established Middle Tennessee resident? We would love to hear from you in the comments below, and so would newcomers to our region. What’s your favorite way to get involved in your local community? Do you have favorites for the holidays, or organizations you rely on year-round? Let us know.

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