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Surviving the Off-Season

2020 was undeniably a difficult year for a multitude of reasons. Although the calendar has officially flipped to 2021, many business owners are still dealing with COVID-19 pandemic limitations. Real estate professionals are now faced with the additional challenges presented by the off-season (also known as winter).

All REALTORS® know the familiar frustration associated with working through the off-season. If you’re feeling tempted to pull back from your real estate efforts right now, we encourage you to focus on aspects of your business that will support growth as soon as the opportunity arises. Now is the time to hone your sales skills, cement your client relationships, and turn yourself into a maximally marketable agent.

Today, Parks is sharing our best strategies to help our team of agents survive the off-season and dominate the spring market.

1.) Find Active Buyers and Offer Your Best Service

While the majority of buyers prefer to view homes during the sunniest months of the year, life circumstances mean there will always be clients who need to shop for property during the off-season (new job, divorce, and downsizing to name a few). Working with a smaller client base in winter gives you the opportunity to deliver superior customer care that is above and beyond even your usual excellent standard.

As you help your off-season shoppers place offers, consider aiming to offer about 90% of the asking price whenever you find a property that’s garnering less interest due to disadvantageous timing. Combining a great deal with concierge service from you is sure to garner you strong word-of-mouth recommendations, priming you to snag new clients just as winter shifts to spring.

2.) Expand Your Online Presence

During the peak months, you may find that you are too busy to do more than post a smattering of updates on your existing social media pages. However, research shows that 75% of today’s homebuyers begin their searches online; therefore, you owe it to yourself to get your details in front of as many cyber shoppers as you can! 

Become your own social media guru during these slower months. Post daily across multiple platforms, taking the time to craft helpful, educational, aesthetically pleasing, and entertaining content that will encourage people to choose you as their premier source for inside information in your area.

3.) Renew Your License

If you are due to renew your license soon, this is the best time to get yourself squared away. Make use of some of your downtime and position yourself to hit the ground running as soon as industry activity picks up.

4.) Continue to Hit Your Educational Goals

If you have any continuing education requirements to check off, or would like to pursue courses in niche markets, self-promotion, or are eager to pick up new skill sets - search for online courses to suit your current needs. By spring, you will be able to look back at your accomplishments with pride.

5.) Network, Network, Network!

While in-person networking events may be off the table at present, there are plenty of online resources to connect with clients, other realtors, and important movers and shakers in your community. Make sure to exchange contact information with each person with whom you connect - and take the time to follow up with them soon thereafter. 

By keeping yourself at the forefront of the active local business scene, you’ll be one of the faces that pops into their minds when they’re ready to shop for or sell a property near you.

6.) Pick Up a New Niche

You certainly don’t want to abandon the valuable strides you’ve made within your niche, but if you find yourself with some extra time on your hands, there’s something to be said for expanding your reach into a niche that you’ve been eyeing over the years. Choose an arena that is active and take care not to step on the toes of your fellow realtors who are already established therein. 

7.) Follow the Trends

When you’re busy establishing your business and your brand year after year, it’s easy to lose track of what’s going on in other spheres. In our view, however, home decorating trends, marketing trends, social media trends, and even fashion trends are relevant to making connections with new clients. 

We suggest agents spend some free time reading cutting-edge home design websites, browsing sites like Pinterest, TikTok, and Twitter, and closely examining what’s trending. You’ll get better engagement online and in person connections when you’re in touch with what’s happening in the world around you.

8.) Reach Out to Existing Clients

It’s best to refrain from making contact to promote yourself or ask for referrals. Instead, call or email expressing your concern for a client’s wellbeing, and expressing gratitude for the business they have given you in recent years. These past months have been difficult for everyone. By connecting with your client as a concerned local citizen and friend rather than as a self-focused businessperson, you are likely to make a positive impression that lasts.

However, it would be foolish to think that everyone you contact will be thriving in these adverse conditions. We suggest having a list of local charitable organizations on-hand in case your client has found themselves in a precarious situation; that way, you have more than comforting words to offer should they decide to share their struggles with you.

More than ever, we appreciate each of our agents. We know that you have continued to offer the best care to your clients, all while facing challenges of your own. We appreciate your commitment to strengthening your business, furthering your education, and renewing your online social media presence during these chilly winter months.

Did you find this article helpful? Do you have tips for your fellow agents looking to make the most of the off-season lull? Please leave a comment below. Most importantly, continue to take the best of care of yourselves and your families in 2021.