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Ways to Improve Your Email Communication

We bet when you first decided you wanted to go into the real estate world that you didn’t picture bookending each day with never ending emails on your laptop, then checking and responding to emails in between each activity of your day, and on top of that - to do your marketing via email! That is a lot of email for a job that is about buying and selling homes. We get it. But, since email is here to stay for the long haul - it’s worth spending some time thinking about how you can improve both your communication and your process. Here are a few tips to remember when it comes to any and all email communication:

Is Email Right?! 

Hot take, but here we go; your clients may not prefer email. Some clients may never be on their personal email, and in the midst of the chaotic work days may need to stick to texts for important real estate communications. Understanding your clients’ communication preferences and making them more comfortable will ultimately make it easier for you, as well. Also be sure to think about how much information it takes to need to go beyond an email. If you find yourself typing a novel .. you might want to think about switching that handing off of information to a meeting, or at the very least, an email.

Bonus Tip: It’s also helpful setting expectations for when you are and aren’t available for communication. This will help with burnout and take the guesswork off of their end of when it’s appropriate to reach out to you.

A Picture is Worth...

For real estate, where after all, we are talking about physical properties - using photos and videos is such a simple, but often overlooked necessity. 

Amazing photos, and impressive video walkthroughs are worth so many more than one thousand words, and may very well be worth the price to hire a professional to help you out with the content, especially for marketing purposes.

Schedule It! 

For those that are on your communication list, but aren’t your active clients, by all means  - schedule time to create, and a time to send! Set aside time to come up with valuable content and then schedule emails in advance. This gets you out of having to waste time and energy during busier seasons trying to write and communicate with inactive clients. (Don’t forget to be collecting emails from everyone you interact with so that your email marketing list keeps growing!). 

One of the best parts about this is that when you’re writing these emails it is a time set aside to do your best writing - and you can always be collecting the valuable content and ideas you’re wanting to share!

Video Emails? Yes.

Do you ever wish you could say something quickly in person to give a better idea of your personality and save time? That’s what “video emails” are all about!  By signing up for an inexpensive video email tool (like BombBomb) your emails can be full of personality and more informational (because you aren’t having to type everything out!)

Templates… sorta:

Saying to send “email templates” out to people is not something we condone. Something about having “canned” messaging really takes the personalization, and not-to-mention, joy, out of emailing and communicating with clients - however, having carefully crafted, edited and crowd-pleasing responses for certain transactional emails that you have to send often is another story. Having writing you like, with room for personalization is more of a writing tool in your back pocket than anything “canned” - and this will also save you time!

Something they Don’t Know

It seems silly when you spell it all out … but please, be sure each email you send truly has value. Whether it’s an email response back to a client, or a holiday newsletter to everyone on your list - the only way to not only have your emails read, is to add value to their lives somehow. As a real estate agent, the most practical (and logical) way of doing that is being your audience’s “go to” for all real estate information. That way, although someone may sit on your newsletter list for years, the second they think to sell their house YOU are the one that comes to mind, and current clients continue to look forward to communication from you because it means they are getting more needed information!