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Working with First Time Home Buyers


One of the most exciting and challenging aspects of being a REALTOR® is working with first time home buyers! They have lots of questions and concerns that require addressing but, is there any better feeling than helping them find their dream home? Parks always wants to provide a support system for our Family of Realtors® so, we've compiled some things to remember about working with these lovely clients below!

1. Communicate Expectations
The Middle Tennessee Market is moving extremely quickly right now and that can be really intimidating! Make sure to prepare your clients with the facts, how fast they'll need to move, and what a bidding war could look like. Talking through possible stressors before they occur can help prepare your clients to make the best decisions possible!

2 . Stay Positive and Patient
The fact that the market is so hot can easily turn into a negative conversation. Though prices may be higher than normal, make sure to encourage your clients by reminding them of the great value that comes with buying a home and that interest rates are really low! It's easy to become discouraged in the current market so take extra time with your first-time buyers!

3. Communicate About Lifestyle and Culture
Make sure to ask your clients what kind of life they want to live! Millennial buyers are more and more concerned with the lifestyle and culture of their new neighborhood so come prepared! This can also come in handy if your client can't afford their dream neighborhood. Understanding what your clients are really looking can really help in showing them other neighborhoods!

4. Educate
Last on our list but probably the most important thing is to educate your clients! The Buyer's Guide that Parks supplies to their agents is an incredible tool absolutely overflowing with great info for your clients! We recommend giving a copy to all your clients but especially encourage your first time home buyers to give it a read! It's basically a crash course in buying a house! Make sure you're familiar with the contents before handing it out though, just in case they have questions for you!